Who We Are

Carrollwood Baptist Church began as a congregation in June of 1994 through the merger of two former congregations, The First Baptist Church of Carrollwood and Bay Area Baptist Church, led by Rev. Tom Rives. Recently retired, Rev. Tom Rives (Pastor Emeritus) led CBC through the merger and many years of spiritual and numerical growth. In August of 2015, CBC called Dr. Joe Alain to be the church’s second Senior Pastor. Today, CBC continues to be a thriving and diverse Christ-focused and loving congregation seeking to bring the Good News of Christ to the Tampa area and our world.

Our Mission

Carrollwood Baptist Church is a loving fellowship of Christians who are taught by God’s Word, led by God’s Spirit, and are committed to loving God and loving others by:

  • Providing the opportunity and atmosphere for meaningful worship.
  • Proclaiming the love of Christ so the world might know Him as its Lord and Savior.
  • Teaching, equipping, and discipling persons for spiritual growth.
  • Ministering to the needs of our church, our community, and our world in the name of Jesus

Plan Your Visit:

What time is the worship service?

Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:30 a.m. and typically concludes around 11:30 a.m.

What about my children? 

Children of all ages are welcome to attend our morning worship gatherings at CBC. However, we also provide a fully staffed nursery and children’s ministry department. Kids in 5th grade and below may be brought to our Children’s Ministry department prior to the worship service where we have age-appropriate classes and activities for them.

Where do I enter?  We have greeters at the main entrance to our worship center (Life Center) on Sunday mornings. Any of our greeters will be glad to answer any questions you might have and direct you to our Connection (Welcome) Center.

What do I wear?  Although some people “dress up” for our worship service, most will dress casual and comfortable. You’re likely to see people dressed in everything from a suit to khaki’s and blue jeans. We do not consider ourselves a church that is too formal in our attire.

What about Bible study on Sunday morning? 

We have Sunday morning Bible studies for all ages beginning at 9:15 a.m. Greeters are in place at our Welcome Center in our Education Center prior to 9:15 a.m. and will be glad to assist you in finding a Bible study.

Do you offer other services and activities? 

We have a full schedule of activities for all ages on Wednesday evenings beginning at 5:30 p.m.

6:30-8:00 p.m.
Youth Gathering (Student Ministry)
7:00-8:00 p.m.
Prayer and Bible Study, Children’s activities

For more information about all of our ministries, check out Ministries on the main menu.

Speak with someone

We’d love to answer any questions or concerns you might have. Fill out our contact form or use the number below.

Contact us

Click here to see what we believe.